Bella Milagros Clinic, Inc
17822 Beach Blvd.
Suite 325
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
United States
ph: 714-465-9677
alt: 714-465-9673
Laser Ablation of Spider Veins and Rosacea
Millions of men and women are afflicted by vascular lesions. These lesions may be small, unslightly clusters of red, blue, or purple veins on the thighs, calves, nose, or face. An estimated fifty percent of the adult female population and twently percent of men share this cosmetic and occasionally painful problem. Many factors contribute to vascular proliferation of rosacea or spider veins; these factors include: pregnancy, weight gain chronic sun exposure, prolonged standing or sitting, heredity, and medications such as birth control pills and hormone replacement medications.
Dr. Steven Dominguez uses the Sciton 1064nm Nd:YAG, FDA approved laser for the treatment of spider, reticular, telangectasia, and rosacea.
Dr. Steven Dominguez treated the above patient with Rhinophyma (WC Fields nose) and nodular rosacea using the Sciton Erbium Ablative laser.
A consequence of vascular ablation is hair ablation.
South Gate office Lake Forest office
8406 State St 25411 Trabuco Rd
South Gate, CA 90280 Suite 222
562-399-1926 Lake Forest, CA 92630
Copyright 1988 -2022 Dominguez Plastic Surgery and Bella Milagros Clinic. All rights reserved. All photographs are of actual patients.
Bella Milagros Clinic, Inc
17822 Beach Blvd.
Suite 325
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
United States
ph: 714-465-9677
alt: 714-465-9673